At we hire only those writers who are very proficient. Moreover, they all are highly qualified experts in various fields of knowledge. Therefore, when a customer places an order, there are few writers who can be assigned to the task. It is not always easy to decide who can be the most suitable one. That is why we have developed an innovation that will help to make a right choice. Our custom writing service offers an efficient rating system. With its help, any client can rate a writer assigned to his or her order. What is more, we also have decided to create the awards system. The latter will help to praise our experts for their achievements. The aforementioned systems are aimed at assisting customers in selecting the most suitable writer who can prepare an authentic assignment of premium quality.
Prices of services that we can do
The Peculiarities of Rating
By and large, our customers are required to evaluate their writers in accordance with the quality of the received paper. In such way, each writer gets marks for the prepared paper, and the average grade for all the assignments is the mentioned rating. Except for the mark, a client can also leave his or her comments about the writing project. We need fair feedback from our customers to understand what should be improved in future. The highest grade that can be put by a client is 10 and the lowest mark is 1 accordingly. Therefore, if you are fully satisfied with the received paper and consider that it is of the best quality, you should put 10. As for the feedback, it helps to clarify why a writer has got a low mark and what are the main flaws. Such rating shows whether certain writer can cope with your assignment or not.
It should be noted that we offer a combined list of the top writers. It is provided on our website. What is more, except for the writer’s overall grade, you can also check how many orders he or she has accomplished. By the way, certain list is constantly updating in accordance with the grades put for the new writing projects. You can’t help but agree with the fact that the mentioned list of top-rated writers is very useful.
VIP Services Package
Now, you have a wonderful opportunity to order our VIP services package with a 20% discount. Have a look at what VIP services you can order:
by Top 10 writers
by editor
revision period
the order status
report with sources

WITH 20% Discount
29.72 USD
The Peculiarities of Awards
Our custom writing company encourages those writers who endeavor at perfection and always prepare unique assignments of superior quality. That is why we have decided to establish the aforementioned system of awards. It helps to distinguish quality writers, who keep working productively and qualitatively. Each customer can click on the awards button and the chosen writer will receive special bonus.
- We have prepared a list of writer’s awards, which shows for what the additional bonuses can be earned.
- Triple Ten bonus is given to those writers who manage to prepare 10 orders within 10 days accordingly. Of course, the quality of the mentioned orders must be outstanding and all the grades should be the highest, i. e. 10.
- Punctuality Proofed bonus is given in case a writer succeeds to prepare more than 15 orders within 30 days. In addition, the deadlines of at least 80 per cent of the papers should be met.
- Client Loyalty bonus is awarded when a writer has at least 10 returning customers who keep choosing him or her as a preferred one.
Our awards system also distinguishes the Writer of the Month. The mentioned award is granted according to various factors: no late orders, positive customer’s feedback, very high overall mark, and many others.
Clear mind of doubts and contact our trustworthy custom writing service as soon as possible. We offer you the possibility to choose the most suitable writer by yourself. With the help of our rating system, each customer can select a personal helper by him or herself. We will help you to excel at writing and move to the greater heights. Get quality writing help here!
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